In memory of Ciaran Finn

It was with great sadness that the news of Station Officer Ciaran Finn's passing was announced on the morning of April 11th following his battle with cancer. Eventhough his battle was reasonably short, his fight was strong, a testament to the man himself who remained steadfast to the very end.

Ciaran was a twenty five year veteran of Maeth County Fire & Rescue Service, and began his career as the first station of Ashbourne Fire Station where he served his community and beyond so admirably. Ciaran was also a member of the Meath County FRS extrication team and competed at both National and international challenges where he demonstrated his technical knowledge and problem solving capabilities.

Ciaran also was known across the country for his involvement with advocating for a better retained fire service model and was not shy in putting the bigger picture as his mantra to obtaining a better service for all. In particular in Meath County FRS, Ciaran is remembered with great respect for hois union endeavoursa nd enchievements, Ciaran remained dedicated to this goal right to the end.

As a freind and colleague of 25 years, I would like to express my and that of the ROI executive and members, our Heartfelt sympathies to his wife Yvonne and his four children and wider family and freinds.

Declan Cassidy,

ROI Treasurer

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In memory of Ciaran Finn

It was with great sadness that the news of Station Officer Ciaran Finn's passing was announced on the morning of April 11th following his batt...

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In memory of Ciaran Finn

It was with great sadness that the news of Station Officer Ciaran Finn's passing was announced on the morning of April 11th following his batt...